Catalog 2015-2016 
    Feb 09, 2025  
Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Board of Education

The Klamath Community College Board of Education is comprised of seven elected voting members and one non-voting student representative.  It has primary authority for establishing policies governing the College’s operations and as well as adopting the annual budget.  The Board is charged with responsibility for overseeing the development of programs and services that it believes will appropriately serve the needs of those residing within the College’s service district.



Dr. Ed McClure, Retired, Physician/Surgeon, Klamath Falls,

elected May, 2013, term expires June, 2017.

Zone 1 - North Klamath





Jeff Ball, Retired, U.S. Government, Klamath Falls,

elected May, 2011, term expires June 2019.

Zone 2 - Northeast Klamath





Michael Fitzgerald, Retired, U.S. Government, Klamath Falls,

elected May 2013, term expires June 2017.

Zone 3 - Southeast Klamath





Dave Jensen, Private Business Owner, Klamath Falls,

elected May 2011, term expires June 2019.

Zone 4 - South Klamath





Austin Folnagy, Oregon Employment Department, Klamath Falls,

elected May 2013, term expires June 2017.

Zone 5 - East Klamath





Kathy King, Business Owner, Malin,

elected May 2015, term expires June 2019

Zone 6 - At-Large





Al King, Rancher/Contractor, Malin,

elected May 2013, term expires June 2017.

Zone 7 - At-Large





Crystal Lamon, ASKCC President, Klamath Falls,

elected November 2014.

Non-Voting Student Representative


Oregon State Board of Education

As one of the state’s 17 publicly supported community college districts, KCC operates under the general direction of the Oregon State Board of Education: Angela Bowen (Coos Bay); Jerome Colonna (Bend); Samuel Henry (Portland); Charles R. Martinez, Jr. (Eugene); Miranda Summer (Portland); Anthony Veliz (Woodburn). 

In addition, the State Department of Education administration includes: Rob Saxton (State Superintendent of Public Instruction); Jim Middleton (Commissioner, Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development). 

Advisory Committees

More than 70 volunteers are appointed by the KCC Board of Education to 13 advisory committees, which offer professional advice and support to instructional programs, enabling the College to align its programs current workplace practices and employment opportunities.  All career and technical programs have advisory committees. 



The Klamath Community College Foundation raises and invests funds for programs, scholarships, and capital needs

Program support:  Because the state of Oregon provides only part of the funding that is needed to finance instructional programs, KCC needs donations from businesses and individuals are needed to bolster KCC’s ability to provide education and training to nearly 1,800 students each year.   

Scholarships: The Foundation solicits funds for scholarships, which allow many individuals to attend college who might not otherwise have the financial means to do so.  Tax-deductible gifts to support KCC programs and students should be made payable to: Klamath Community College Foundation, 7390 South Sixth Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97603.  Call 541-880-2245 for more information.

Foundation Board:  The KCC Foundation Board consists of the following members: Dr. Steven Meneses (Executive Director); Steve Tippin (Chair); Jodi Applegate (Vice Chair); Austin Folnagy (Trustee); Mike Griffith (Trustee); Dan Hernandez (Trustee); Rafael Hernandez (Trustee); Beth Leistikow (Trustee); Dr. Edward McClure (Trustee); Dr. Mara Supan (Trustee); Michelle Wynne (Trustee); Phillip Squibb (Trustee).