Catalog 2015-2016 
    Mar 28, 2025  
Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid

Types of Financial Aid

The four basic types of financial aid are grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study (student employment).

Financial aid is available for eligible students who are seeking a two-year degree or one-year certificate, have a high school diploma or GED, and who need assistance paying for their education. Students planning to receive financial aid need to verify that their file is complete with the Financial Aid Office. Students wishing to receive Veterans Education Benefits need to provide a copy of their certificate of eligibility to the Veteran’s Certifying Official. The certificate of eligibility is sent to the student by the Department of Veterans Affairs after the student’s application has been processed. Recipients of vocational rehabilitation funds, tribal aid, or any other third-party aid, need to check with the Business Office and Financial Aid Office to be sure all paperwork relative to their aid has been received.


  • File a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on the Web at Paper FAFSAs are available by calling 1-800-4-FedAid (1-800-433-3243).
  • Have a High School Diploma or GED
  • Be a United States citizen or an eligible non-citizen.
  • Males between the ages of 18 and 25 must be registered with the United States Selective Service.
  • Not be in default or owe a refund to any Title IV Financial Aid Program.
  • Use the money you receive to meet the costs of attending KCC.
  • Be enrolled in a KCC two-year degree or one-year certificate program.
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress by making academic progress toward your declared degree or certificate.

Application Information

Submit a FAFSA as early as January of the year preceding enrollment in courses. A FAFSA can be filed throughout the year. A FAFSA form must be filed for each school year. This process takes time and students must pay careful attention to each detail. Applying at least three months before a student plans to enroll at KCC is recommended to ensure adequate time to complete the financial aid file.

FAFSA applications are processed in the order that they are received at the Department of Education and then sent electronically to the KCC Financial Aid Office. Please note the amount of financial aid offered depends on a student’s financial need (determined by the Department of Education from the information the student supplies) and the availability of funds. Therefore, students are advised to apply early to maximize their financial aid award.

To file an application electronically go to and click on “Start Here.” Applying electronically is the preferred method of filing and will cut the application processing time by as much as 50 percent. Corrections are also processed quicker when done electronically. When students file their FAFSA electronically, they will sign it with the Personal Identification Number (PIN) issued by the Department of Education. A PIN can be obtained at

Checking Financial Aid Status

Log in to your student account at using your KCC user name and password. Newly registered students must create a new account. Click Student Record and then the financial aid button and select the award year. Students will see current status including: available awards, transactions, and documents still required before financial aid can be awarded or disbursed.


Grants are considered to be “gift aid” because there is no requirement to repay the funds. The student has the responsibility to maintain satisfactory academic progress to maintain eligibility.

Federal Pell Grant

The Pell Grant Program was established by the federal government to provide a basic core of aid for eligible undergraduate students. Eligibility is determined by the Department of Education.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Students must not have a bachelor’s degree.

Available Amounts:

  • Amounts are based on federal funding.
  • The maximum award for 2015-2016 is $5,775.00.
  • This amount may be adjusted annually by the federal government.

Other Information:

  • The Federal Financial Aid Processor will send a Student Aid Report (SAR) to the student indicating eligibility.
  • Eligibility may be transferred to any post-secondary school participating in federal programs.

Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant

This grant is federally funded. Funds are awarded to the school in lump sums. The college selects eligible students and determines award amounts.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Students must not have a bachelor’s degree.
  • Students must be Pell Grant eligible.
  • Students must have unmet need in their package.
  • Students must have a GPA of 2.75 or higher. 

Available Amounts:

  • Federal limits ranged from $100 to $4,000 per year for 2015-2016.

Other Information:

  • The Financial Aid Office will determine eligibility and notify students.

Oregon Opportunity Grant

Students who met the filing deadline for 2015-2016 will be considered for this grant.

Formerly the State Need Grant, the Oregon Opportunity Grant was established in 1971 by the Oregon Legislature to assist students with financial need attending community colleges, OUS institutions, and private, independent 4-year institutions in Oregon. The grant is available for the equivalent of up to 12 terms or 8 semesters at full-time enrollment.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the application for the Oregon Opportunity Grant. Eligibility and award amounts are based on the financial and demographic information the student provides on the FAFSA. Students must complete a new FAFSA annually to be considered for the Oregon Opportunity Grant as well as for other federal student aid, including Federal Pell Grants and Federal Stafford Loans. Award amounts are determined by the State.

Students must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a citizen or eligible noncitizen of the United States.
  • Be a resident of Oregon.
  • Be an undergraduate student with no prior bachelor’s degrees.
  • Be enrolled at least half-time in an eligible degree-granting program at a participating Oregon community college or 4-year public, or private, nonprofit Oregon postsecondary institution.
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress.
  • Have no defaults on federal student loans or owe refunds of federal student grants.
  • Meet federal selective service registration and illegal drug conviction requirements.
  • Not be incarcerated.
  • Not be enrolled in a program leading to a degree in theology, divinity or religious education.
  • Have obtained a high school diploma or GED.


Considered to be “gift aid” because there is no requirement to repay the funds. The student has the responsibility to maintain satisfactory academic progress and fulfill all other requirements set forth by the individual scholarship program to maintain eligibility.

The following scholarships are available, but not neccessarily each year. The amount and eligibility requirements are published at the time of application, which is usually September.

  • Betty Gray ECE Scholarship
  • Erin Andrews Endowment Scholarship
  • Evening Primrose Scholarship
  • JW Kerns Inc. Scholarship
  • KCC General Scholarship
  • Masami Foods Endowment Scholarship
  • Rogue Valley Corvette Club Scholarship
  • Ron & Myrtle Mason Endowment Scholarship
  • Soroptimist International of Klamath Falls Endowment Scholarship
  • Susan Channell Endowment Scholarship

Federal Loans

Loans are considered to be “self-help” and require repayment. There are several different types of loan programs available to students and these include: Federal Stafford Subsidized Loans, Federal Stafford Unsubsidized Loans and Federal PLUS loans.

Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan

  • The Subsidized Stafford Loan is a fixed interest loan awarded based on financial need. If a student qualifies, the federal government will pay the interest on the loan under these circumstances: while in school or during any period of authorized deferment.
  • The interest rate for 2015-2016 is fixed at 4.29% .
  • New borrowers can only receive subsidy on their subsidized loans for 150% of the published length of their declared program.

Annual Loan Limits:

  • First-year, undergraduate students may borrow up to $3,500.
  • Second-year, undergraduate students may borrow up to $4,500.

Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan (Direct Loan)

  • The Unsubsidized Stafford Loan is not based on financial need. Interest begins to accrue as soon as the loan is disbursed. The federal government does not pay the interest on this type of loan. Students may pay the interest while in school, or the interest can be capitalized and included in the repayment amount. To set up interest payments, please contact the servicer.
  • The interest rate for 2015-2016 is fixed at 4.29%.

Available Amounts:

  • Students may borrow the cost of attendance minus the amount of financial aid and scholarships awarded up to the annual loan limits. An independent student’s annual loan limit is $6,000. A dependent student’s annual loan limit is $2,000-$5,500 depending on subsidized loan eligibility.

All borrowers must complete a master promissory note and in-person entrance counseling before loans can be disbursed. Students must complete an exit interview annually as well as and when they graduate, withdraw, or drop below half-time enrollment. Otherwise final, official transcripts will not be released.

Federal PLUS Loan

  • PLUS loans are loans taken out by parents, stepparents, or legal guardians of dependent undergraduates to assist them with educational expenses.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Financial need is not a requirement to qualify for this loan, however, this loan is based on the borrower’s credit history. Each applicant is subject to a credit check.

Available Amounts:

  • The Federal PLUS loan may not exceed the annual cost of education at KCC, less any financial aid awarded to the student. The interest rate for 2015-2016 is fixed at 6.84%.
  • The parents, stepparents, or legal guardians are responsible for the repayment of the loan including the interest that accrues on the loan during any period.

Other Information:

  • These loans may require repayment to begin before the student has graduated. Specific repayment information should be obtained from the lender. Interest begins to accrue as soon as the loan is disbursed.

Federal Work-Study

  • Work-Study is considered “self-help aid” in the form of part-time employment as a means of financial assistance.
  • Work-Study provides part-time employment, at both on campus and approved off-campus sites, for students who meet eligibility requirements. Students may work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year to earn the amount listed on their award notification.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Students must demonstrate financial need.

Available Amount

  • The awarded amount will vary each year depending on available funds. Wages for Work-Study are currently $8.95 per hour. This is subject to change each year.

Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress

To receive Federal Financial Aid at KCC, a student must meet the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress. Failure to meet any of the standard requirements will result in warning or disqualification from receiving Federal Financial Aid, or warning, probation, or academic suspensions from attending KCC.

  1. Klamath Community College, in compliance with Federal Regulation 668.34, requires students maintain satisfactory academic progress to continue eligibility to enroll in classes and receive Federal Financial Aid (grants and loans). Satisfactory Academic Progress means maintaining a minimum term GPA of 2.00 and a 66.67% or higher completion rate. The completion rate is based on the number of credits that the student is enrolled in as of the published add/drop deadline. A grade of W, I or F does not count as successful completion of a class. Klamath Community College will apply the Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards at the completion of the term after grades are posted. Listed below are the completion requirements:
  If a student is enrolled in: The student must complete
with a 2.00 or higher GPA
  12 or more credits 9 or more credits
  11 credits 8 or more credits
  10 credits 7 or more credits
  9 credits 6 or more credits
  8 credits 6 or more credits
  7 credits 5 or more credits
  6 credits 4 or more credits
  5 credits 4 or more credits
  4 credits 3 or more credits
  3 credits 2 or more credits
  2 credits 2 credits
  1 credit 1 credit
  1. The US Department of Education and KCC have defined the following terms associated with Satisfactory Academic Progress:

Academic and Financial Aid Warning

The status assigned to a student the first term the student fails to make Satisfactory Academic Progress. The student is eligible to enroll in classes and receive Federal Financial Aid unless the student received all F’s or W’s where a Financial Aid appeal will be required. The student must meet the Satisfactory Academic Standards for this term to continue financial aid eligibility. No appeal is necessary.

Financial Aid Disqualification

The status assigned to a student who has failed to make the Standards of Satisfactory Progress more than one term. The student is not eligible to receive Federal Financial Aid unless an appeal is filed according to the school’s guidelines and the appeal is granted. If the appeal is granted, the student’s status changes to Financial Aid Probation.

Academic and Financial Aid Appeal

The process a student completes who has not met the Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards by petitioning for reconsideration of eligibility of Federal Financial Aid and/or eligibility to enroll in classes. The appeal must include why the student failed to meet the standards, the resolution of the issue, and the student’s plan for success.

Academic and Financial Aid Probation

The status assigned by the school to a student who fails to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress for a second term and has had eligibility for financial aid reinstated through the appeal process. Klamath Community College can enforce enrollment restrictions (i.e. half-time enrollment, submission of an academic plan, etc.) if it appears these restrictions will aid in the student’s success. A student on probation may receive aid and must meet the Satisfactory Academic Standards to continue to be eligible to enroll in classes and receive Federal Financial Aid.

Academic Suspension

The status assigned by the school to a student who fails to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress for a third term. The student is not eligible to enroll in classes unless an appeal is filed according to the school’s guidelines and the appeal is granted. The student is not eligible to receive Federal Financial Aid. Degree seeking students will be placed on suspension after completing 36 credits if their cumulative GPA is below 1.75.

  1. Federal Financial Aid eligibility is limited to 150% of a program’s credit length (135 credits for a 90-credit two-year degree and 68 credits for a 45-credit one-year certificate.) Credits transferred from other colleges that are accepted at KCC toward your program of study and credits attempted using your own resources are included in the calculation of the maximum credit length. When it becomes apparent that a student cannot graduate within this period, the student becomes ineligible for Federal Financial Aid. If this occurs, the Financial Aid Office will notify the student in writing.
  2. Enrollment for Financial Aid purposes will be set based on enrollment as of 5:00 pm on the last day to add or drop classes for a term. For a course to be counted toward Financial Aid enrollment it must count toward the two-year degree or one-year certificate the student is pursuing. Elective credits above what is required to receive the two-year degree or one-year certificate will not be eligible to be included for Financial Aid enrollment.
  3. Developmental courses (courses under 100 level) are eligible for Federal Financial Aid up to 45 attempted credits. No additional developmental courses will be funded after 45 credits have been attempted.
  4. Only developmental courses and courses that apply to a degree or certificate are eligible for Federal Financial Aid. Courses that are not eligible for Federal Financial Aid include Adult Basic Education, GED, High School Completion, Extended Studies courses, challenge courses, one-credit workshops, and special topic courses that exceed the degree requirements per the KCC catalog. Students cannot receive Federal Financial Aid while enrolled in high school or a GED program.
  5. Repeated coursework may be eligible to be counted toward a student’s enrollment for Federal Financial Aid under the following condition: A previously completed course may be included once to receive a higher grade or complete the course; however, both attempts will be counted as attempted credits toward the program credit limit.
  6. Programs less than 45 credits or one academic year (i.e. Career Pathways) are not eligible for Federal Financial Aid.

Klamath Community College is not responsible for any actions taken by a student in anticipation of receiving Federal Financial Aid. Students are advised to verify their Financial Aid status and eligibility each term.

Failure to meet eligibility standards will at least result in the following action:

  Financial Aid Academic Action
1st Term: Warning Warning

Letter sent indicating “warning” status.

Financial aid may be delayed.

Must complete an individualized success plan with advisor or student services.

A separate letter will be sent if repayment of financial aid is required.

If a zero GPA is obtained and financial aid was disbursed, money will be owed to the institution. An appeal will be required.

2nd Term: Disqualification Probation

Letter sent outlining appeal process.

Financial Aid may be delayed.

Must file an appeal to be considered for reinstatement of eligibility for Federal Financial Aid.

Recommendations of appeal committee must be followed.

A separate letter will be sent if repayment of financial aid is required.

If a zero GPA is obtained and financial aid was disbursed, money will be owed to the institution. An appeal will be required.

3rd Term: Not Aid Eligible Suspension from enrollment at KCC

Must file an appeal to be considered for reinstatement of eligibility to enroll in classes and to receive Federal Financial Aid.

If approved Financial Aid may be delayed.

Recommendations of the appeal committee must be followed.

A separate letter will be sent if repayment of financial aid is required.

If a zero GPA is obtained and financial aid was disbursed, money will be owed to the institution. An appeal will be required.

Zero GPA definition: A student who receives all F’s and/or W’s for the term.

If you are required to file an appeal, Federal Regulation requires that you include the following:

What Occurred: The US Department of Education has identified the following conditions as appropriate for filing an appeal to reinstate financial aid eligibility: death of a relative, injury or illness of the student, or other special circumstances. However, multiple appeals for the same condition are not allowed under the regulations. The Department of Education has also identified that failure to attend classes or not focusing on coursework are not considered conditions that are appropriate to file an appeal.
Resolution: Describe the steps you have taken to resolve the issue. For example, if you had childcare issues, how have your resolved them?
Plan for Success: Explain your plan for success this term and in future terms. Please include changes that have taken place to ensure your future success.
Documentation: REQUIRED: ALL appropriate documentation - doctor’s statement, court document, etc.

Appeal Results

Students will be notified in writing of the decision of the Appeal Committee.

  • If the appeal is granted, the written notification will include required conditions of continued financial aid and/or enrollment eligibility. Failure to comply with these required conditions will result in actions by the college up to and including administrative drop from classes or suspending receipt of financial aid until the required conditions have been met.
  • If the appeal is denied, the Appeals Committee will identify to the student the actions necessary to regain eligibility for financial aid and/or enrollment. If a student feels that their appeal included all required elements (What Occurred, Resolution, Plan for Success and Documentation) and the Appeals Committee did not apply the Federal Regulations appropriately, the student can request the Vice President of Student Services review the outcome of the appeal.

NOTE: Students who have a 0.00 GPA or who withdraw from all courses in a term may be required to return a portion of the Federal Financial Aid funds that they received. Students with an outstanding debt to the college will not be allowed to register for subsequent terms, remain enrolled in classes, or receive official transcripts until the debt has been paid in full.

Refund/Repayment Policy

If you withdraw or stop attending classes, you may be subject to repayment of financial aid funds per the following policy:

  • If a student withdraws from all classes or earns a 0.00 GPA for the term, the Financial Aid Office will recalculate the account to determine if the student must repay a portion of the financial aid received. If repayment is required, the student will receive notification from the Business Office. Because the student has failed to meet the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress, the student will either be placed in warning or disqualified from receiving additional financial aid. If the student is disqualified a completed Financial Aid Eligibility Appeal form must be submitted for the Appeals Committee to consider. However, the appeal will not be heard until the debt to the institution has been paid in full.
  • The student’s account will be charged with any portion of unearned aid that the school is responsible for returning to the U.S. Department of Education. This charge will result in both a Financial Hold and Transcript Hold being placed on the student’s account.
  • If the student has received a Stafford Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan, the student is responsible for paying back any unearned amount of the loan funds that they received under the terms of the loan.
  • Students will have up to 45 calendar days to make acceptable financial arrangements for repaying the over award or the account will be sent to collections.
  • In accordance with Board Policy 720.0110, a student must meet all financial obligations to the college in order to qualify for continued enrollment.