Catalog 2015-2016 
    Mar 28, 2025  
Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Full-Time Faculty

Adala, Ahmed. (2014). Faculty, Mathematics. B.S., M.S, Northeastern Illinois University.

Bartow, Pier. (2008). Faculty, Environmental Science.  B.S., M.S., Stephen F. Austin State University

Blofsky, Peggy A. (2015). Faculty, Education. A.S., Oregon Institute of Technology; B.S., Southern Oregon University; M.Ed., Freed-Hardeman University.

Brandsness, William P. (2010). Faculty, Computer Information Systems. B.S., University of Oregon; B.S., Oregon Institute of Technology; M.S., Boston University (anticipated December 2015).

Briscoe, Jennifer. (2012). Faculty, Health Information Management.  B.S., Grand Canyon University; M.B.A., H.C.M., University of Phoenix.

Cassady, Dr. Mark. (2011). Faculty, Biology.  B.S., Portland State University; M.D., Windsor University School of Medicine.

Cochran, Jo Whitehorse. (2007). Program Lead & Faculty, Arts & Communication. B.A., M.A., University of Washington.

Culp, Marylin. (2005). Faculty, Health Science & Program Director for Nursing Assistance. A.D.N., Oregon Institute of Technology.

Davenport, Linda. (2004). Program Lead & Faculty, Business & Management.  B.S., M.M., Southern Oregon University

Duren, Keith. (2006). Program Lead & Faculty, Agriculture.  A.S., Mesaland Community College; B.S., M.S., Montana State University.

Gutierrez, Eleazar. (2007). Faculty, Biology & Physics.  B.S., Oregon State University.

Harpham, George. (2014). Faculty, Mathematics. B.S., Southern Oregon University; M.A., University of Phoenix.

Hewitt, Kathy. (2006). Program Lead & Faculty, Accounting.  B.S., San Diego State University; M.B.A., University of Phoenix.

Himes, Kasey. (2005). Program Lead & Faculty, Emergency Management Services.

James, Lori. (2010). Program Director & Faculty, Nursing. A,S., Pacific Union College; B.S.N., College of Mt. St. Joseph; Certified Professional Coach, International Coach Academy; M.N.A., University of Phoenix.

Kirby, Doug. (2013). Faculty, Business. B.A., Seattle University. M.A, George Fox University.

Lassonde, Kristin. (2015). Faculty, Mathematics. B.S., Texas A & M University; M.A., Claremont Graduate University.

Mann, Barbara J. (2007). Faculty, Chemistry. B.S., Northland College; Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Nejely, Tom. (2000). Faculty, History & Geography.  B.A., M.A., University of California-Riverside; M.A., Vermont College.

Orendorff, Aaron. (2013). Faculty, Arts & Communication.  B.S., Southern Oregon University; M.Div., Western Seminary.

Pedersen, Mark. (2010). Faculty, Automotive & Diesel Technology.  A.S., Mt. Hood Community College; ASE Master Technician Certification. 

Powers, Vivian. (2014). Faculty, Nursing. B.A., Oregon Institute of Technology.

Rush, Jeffrey. (2012). Program Lead and Faculty, Automotive & Diesel Technology.  A.A.S., Mt. Hood Community College; ASE Master Technician Certification. 

Saunders, Cathy. (2006). Faculty, Business Technology. B.S., Oregon State University, M.S., Southern Oregon University.

Sheahan, Daniel. (2015). Faculty, Education. B.S., Oregon State University; M.A., George Fox University.

Vierra, Richard. (2014). Faculty, Culinary Arts. Certificates in Hospitality Management, Columbia College.

Walter, Matthew D. (2011).  Faculty, Welding. Certificate, Los Positas Junior College; Teaching Credential, University of California, Berkeley Extension; Certification, American Welding Society; A.A., College of San Mateo.

Wilson, Dodi. (2013). Faculty, Biology. B.S., University of California, Davis; M.S., Colorado State University.

Wogan, Mary Lou. (2003). Faculty, Mathematics.  B.S. University of Oregon, M.S. Southern Oregon University.

Wood, Maggie. (2010). Faculty, Arts & Communication. B.A., M.A., University of Utah.

Part-Time Faculty

Ackerman, George M. Criminal Justice.

Alaoui, Malika. French.

Anderson, Mahala Jean. Psychology.

Atkin, Suzanne J. Speech.

Behrle, Mackenzie S. Speech.

Blomquist, Carrie. Business.

Bynum, Shawna. Mathematics.

Cane, Patricia I. Mathematics.

Carter-Martinez, Kathleen. Health & PE.

Chamberlin, Douglas. Computers.

Chase, Cole. Criminal Justice.

Chase, Morgan. Mathematics.

Chavez, Lonnie Jill. Sociology.

Christensen, Martha F. ECE.

Cooper, Nigel. Aviation Science.

Cornell, Emma. Writing.

Deutsch-Timmons, Florance. German

Dodson, Rebekah E. Writing.

Du Bois, Kathryn. Biology, Physics.

Dwinnells, Steve. Philosophy.

Edwards, Amanda S. Economics.

Fenyk, Juliet M. Psychology. 

Fowlds, James R. Psychology.

Gangstee, Roland P. Criminal Justice.

Hanson, Joni. Mathematics.

Henry, Janine.  Culinary Arts. 

Howland, Richard E. Welding.

Hurtado, Molly B. Mathematics.

Kelley, Janet C. Computer Applications.

Kliewer, Tyrel M. Animal Science.

Langley, Damon B. Mathematics.

Leaf, Joni M. Art.

Limb, Laura L. Health & PE.

Lipe, William. Art.

Mannix, Alicja G. Art.

McDaniel, Mark. Criminal Justice.

McInnis, Joy M. Health & PE.

McMann, Patricia H.  Business.

Mitchell, Steven L. Music.

Mortimore, Jeffrey. Business. 

Murphy, Chiho. Japanese.

Pascual, Manuela. Spanish. 

Peoples, Franklin Jay. Addiction Studies.

Phillips, Maureen. Business.

Poteet, Raymond K. Biology.

Ricar, Sondra L. History.

Rodriguez, Filomeno. Health Science.

Schumacher, Elizabeth. English, Writing.

Sedlock, Andrew. Mathematics.

Shotwell, Hsiao-Yun. Chinese

Solyst, Daniel T. Mathematics.

Stoutamore, Barbara L. Writing.

Stoutamore, James F. Computers.

Stroup, Teresa. Addiction Studies.

Strunk, Ann. Accounting.

Sullivan, Katherine G. Sociology.

Taylor, Kristine. Medical Assisting.

Tringali, Susanne E. Art History.

Walker, Matthew.  Mathematics.

Walker-Henderson, Kathleen D. ECE.

Ware, Andrea. Writing.


Appolonio, John D. (2014). Veterans Representative

Arraj-Roach, Elizabeth. (2015). Community Education Support Staff.

Baker, Nicole. (2015). Finance/Payroll Specialist.

Bastian, James. (2011). Custodian. 

Bender, Natasha. (2015). Human Resources Administrative Assistant.

Blaustein, Sharman. (1998). Student Success Representative

Booth, Phil. (2015). Maintenance & Groundskeeper.

Caldwell, Cara. (2015). Registered Nurse Program Support Specialist.

Childs, Shannon. (2009). Executive Administrative Assistant to the President.

Dupuis, Kelly. (2015). Small Business Development Center Assistant.

Eldridge, Candace. (2012). Financial Aid Representative

Faganello, Barry. (2015). Small Business Development Center Assistant.

Glenn, David. (2011). Custodian Supervisor.

Gonzales-Taylor, Adela M. (2015). Administrative Assistant to the Deans.

Guthrie, Robert. (2004). Custodian

Hendrickson, Nathan. (2014). Financial Aid Representative

Jeffrey, Robin. (2014). Learning Resource Center Assistant.

Johnson, Jennifer. (2015). Administrative Assistance to the Vice President of Student Affairs.

Jones, Annette. (2005). Desktop Specialist

Kelley, Jeff. (2010). Physical Plant Specialist

Ketcham, Emily. (2011). Purchasing Specialist

Krueger, Christina. (2015). Accountant.

Leavell, Daniel. (2015). OSU Advisor.

Meyjes, Tandi. (2014). Payroll Specialist.

Maricle, Paul. (2000). Facilities Technician.

Moore, Michael. (2014). Custodian.  

Morton, Steven. (2011). Webmaster

Morse, Sandra. (2011). Cashier.

Moxley, Keeley. (2013). OSU Advisor.

Nations, Donna. (2006). Accounts Payable

Patrick, Jene’. (2011). TRiO Program Assistant.

Purdom, Whitney. (2013). Student Life Center Assistant.

Roetman, Shawn. (2015). PIO/Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of External Programs.

Rosandich, Sylvia. (1997). Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Academic Affairs

Rubidoux, Christina. (2013). Student Success Representative.

Smith, Janice. (2001). Receptionist

Springer, Patricia. (2002). Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Administrative Services.

Stevenson, Natasha. (2001). Custodian

Stratton, Robin. (2014). Student Success Representative.

Sundseth, Robin. (2014). Financial Aid Representative.

Thompson, Kristin. (2014). Lakeview Staff.

Wenzelburger, Lynn. (2015). SIM Lab Coordinator.