Catalog 2024-25 
    Feb 10, 2025  
Catalog 2024-25

Academic and External Affairs

Cooperative Work Experience

Cooperative Work Experience (CWE) lets students apply learning in an actual workplace or training environment. CWE is available in professional-technical programs and offered for variable credit based on a student’s objectives. Instructor permission is required to enroll.

Developmental Education

These courses are designed to provide help in reading, writing, math, and study skills in preparation for success in academic programs. Additionally, assistance is available to all students in the Tutoring Center.

Students needing to improve their basic reading, writing, and math skills before pursuing collegiate-level instruction can take a variety of college preparatory courses in the basic skill areas. KCC encourages students to improve their basic skills to improve their chances for educational success.

Accommodations for Students

Reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request if a student needs assistance in testing or class modifications. Students may contact the accomodations coordinator at 541-882-3521 or for information on documentation requirements and available accommodations.

TRiO Student Support Services

TRiO is a federally-funded program designed to assist students who are first-generation college students, considered low-income, or are experiencing disabilities with achieving their career, educational, and personal goals. We power the potential of our TRIO students by comprehensively assessing academic and financial needs and developing individualized plans for college success.

TRIO students are eligible to receive additional academic, career, and financial aid/scholarship advising, tutoring and study group support, community-building and cultural event activities, college visits and transfer assistance.

TRiO is located in Founders Hall. For more information, or to request an application, call 541-880-2289 or visit

Career Services Center

The Career Services Center at Klamath Community College is dedicated to supporting students and alumni in their career development journey. Through personalized guidance, resources, and workshops, we help individuals explore career options, develop job search strategies, and enhance their professional skills. Our team collaborates with employers to facilitate networking opportunities and connect students with internship and job opportunities. By empowering our community with the tools and knowledge they need, we strive to assist individuals in achieving their career goals. You can learn more by calling 541-880-2354, stopping by their offices in Building 4, or visiting


Courses that are necessary to meet program requirements will be delivered in a timely manner. The College exercises its right to choose which courses to offer each term. Not all courses will be offered every term. Final course offerings are contingent upon enrollment and staff availability and are subject to change without prior notification. To avoid delays in meeting program requirements, students are encouraged to enroll in courses that meet specific program requirements as they are offered.

This catalog includes the academic programs and courses approved by the State of Oregon for Klamath Community College. The College reserves the right to offer programs and courses based on student demand and availability of resources.

Course Numbers

KCC uses the course numbering system found throughout universities in Oregon and other Oregon community colleges. Course numbers 100 to 299 are undergraduate general education courses (often a grade of “C” or better is required) or professional technical courses. Courses numbered 99 or below are developmental education courses and are not usually transferable to four-year institutions.

Common Course Numbering

The Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) is pleased to announce that common course numbers will be adopted by Oregon’s public postsecondary institutions, a change intended to help students receive credit for these undergraduate courses when they transfer between institutions. This statewide alignment, directed by 2021 legislation, is designed to help students avoid having to retake courses when they transfer from a community college to a university, and ultimately to save students time and money by ensuring this group of highly-enrolled courses have the same number of credits and learning outcomes. With this approval, all Oregon community colleges and public universities are required to accept a transfer of academic credit for each course as if the credit was earned identically at the accepting institution, starting in the 2023-24 academic year. 

The commonly numbered courses approved by the Commission for academic year 2023-24 are detailed in a summary here. These approved courses have aligned course titles, descriptions, subject codes, numbers, credits, and learning outcomes.  

Course numbering changes made in 2023-2024
Course numbering changes for 2024-2025
COM 111Z Public Speaking BUS 101Z Introduction to Business
COM 218Z Interpersonal Communication BUS 211Z Principles of Financial Accounting
MTH 105Z Math in Society BUS 213Z Principles of Managerial Accounting
MTH 111Z Precalculus I: Functions ENG 104Z Introduction to Fiction
MTH 112Z Precalculus II: Trigonometry ENG 105Z Introduction to Drama
STA 243Z Elementary Statistics I ENG 106Z Introduction to Poetry
WRI 121Z Composition I PSY 201Z Introduction to Psychology I
WRI 122Z Composition II PSY 202Z Introduction to Psychology II
WRI 227Z Technical Writing  


Course Type

  • In Person (F2F) - A traditional course format where the student has face-to-face contact with the instructor and other students in a physical classroom on campus.
  • Distance Education (DE) - Instruction where the student interacts with the instructor and other students using Canvas. There are no meetings on campus, but completion of regular assignments with due dates is required. Lectures and other videos may be included on Canvas.
  • Hybrid (H) - A hybrid course includes both contents delivered via Canvas and in-person instruction. All students in a hybrid course are required to complete the combination of remote and in-person activities as assigned.
  • HyFlex (HX) - HyFlex courses include distance delivery and in-person instruction. Students choose how they participate in the course and engage with material in the way that works best for them from session to session. Completion of regular assignments with due dates is required. Lectures may be included and recorded.

Counseling and Student Support Services

KCC provides free counseling and student support services to students who need extra support through a contracted Klamath Basin Behavioral Health counselor on campus. Students sometimes get overwhelmed with balancing life and school, and a support specialist or counselor can help provide options and support for success. Help is available for test anxiety, school stress, home stress, and whatever else may be challenging a student’s academic or personal success. Students who are interested in finding out more about this resource or who would like to make an appointment can email or call (541) 321-1539.

Student Leadership

There are a variety of opportunities on the KCC campus for students to become campus leaders. Options include participating in student government, community service and volunteering, joining or forming clubs, and participating in campus events. Participating in student leadership activities helps build connections among students which ultimately increases the academic success of students including the likelihood that students will complete a program or degree.

The Associated Students of Klamath Community College (ASKCC)

The student government body on campus, ASKCC, advocates for the student body at local, state, and federal levels, creating opportunities for community engagement and providing access to resources based on individual and collective student needs.

Advocacy • Service • Knowledge • Community • Connection

Through involvement with student government, students can gain valuable leadership skills, develop friendships, and establish beneficial contacts with college faculty, staff, and community members. Students may also have the opportunity to attend leadership training workshops and to provide leadership in developing programs and resources for other students on campus. For more information about student government, stop by the Office of Student Life (Building 4) or call ASKCC at 541-880-2355.

Registered Student Organizations

Student Organizations and campus clubs are student-led organizations supported by faculty or staff advisors and ASKCC. Participating in clubs allows students to get involved, connect with other students, and to join in club-sponsored activities and programs. Opportunities to be involved in campus-wide initiatives and club fairs also exist.

Clubs currently recognized at KCC:

  • Soccer Club
  • Gaming Club
  • Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)
  • Science Club
  • Rainbow Club
  • Klamath Collegiate Farm Bureau
  • Golf Club

If you have an idea for a new club, please contact ASKCC at the Office of Student Life in Building 4 or call 541-880-2333.

Student Life Mentors

Student Life Mentors are paid student leadership positions within the Office of Student Life. These students gain valuable leadership experience through peer mentorship, planning and hosting events such as Monte Carlo Night, Lunch & Learn, and more. Student Life Mentors also provide first-contact customer service for all visitors in Student Life.

For more information on how to get involved as a Student Life Mentor, visit Student Life in Building 4 or call 541-880-2355.

Student Life Mentors

Student Life Mentors are paid student leadership positions within the Office of Student Life. These students gain valuable leadership experience through peer mentorship, and planning and hosting events such as Monte Carlo Night, Lunch & Learn, and more. Student Life Mentors also provide first-contact customer service for all visitors in Student Life.

For more information on how to get involved as a Student Life Mentor, visit Student Life in Building 4 or call 541-880-2355.

Student Participation in Institutional Governance

As members of the college community, students are free to express views on issues of institutional policy and matters of general interest to the student body. Students are encouraged to participate in developing and applying policies and procedures affecting academic and enrollment areas through student leadership and shared governance committees.

To volunteer to serve on a college council or committee, visit the Office of Student Life in Building 4 or call us at 541-880-2355.

Freedom of Association

Students bring a variety of interests to KCC. Members of the college community may organize and join collegiate associations to promote their common interests, subject to the following considerations: the membership, policies and actions of a student organization typically are determined by a vote of individuals who hold bona fide membership in the college community.

As a condition of institutional recognition, student organizations are required to submit a statement of purpose, criteria for membership, and operational procedures to the vice president of student affairs.

  1. Student organizations typically choose their own college advisor, though some advisors may be assigned. Clubs recognized by the College must have an advisor who is a college employee. College staff and faculty members who accept the responsibility to advise student organizations have an obligation to protect the general interests of the College.
  2. Student organizations, including those affiliated with an external organization, are open to all students without respect to age, disability, national origin, race, marital status, religion, sexual orientation, or gender, in accordance with federal and state laws. However, specific organization criteria may limit membership options (e.g., grade point average).
  3. Students and student organizations may examine and discuss a variety of topics and express opinions publicly and privately. They may support causes by orderly means which do not disrupt college operations. At the same time, it should be made clear to the academic and public community that in their public expressions, students or student organizations speak for themselves and not as representatives of the College.

Credit Hour Load

Students should enroll in an average of 15 credit hours of collegiate-level coursework per term to earn an associate degree in two years or a bachelor’s degree in four years. An average of 15 credit hours involves approximately 45 clock hours of scholastic productivity each week per term.

Students who work are advised to fit their job schedule into the credit hour equation and anticipate taking more than six terms to complete a two-year educational plan. It may be difficult to carry a full-time academic load while working more than 20 hours per week.

To enroll in more than 18 credits per term, students must have a cumulative minimum GPA of 2.75 and submit an appeal to be approved first. By taking advantage of summer term classes, students can reduce the number of credit hours needed per term or the length of time required for attaining a degree.

Assessment of Student Achievement Board Policy #4100

To comport with regional accrediting body requirements, the KCC Board of Education directs administration and faculty to develop system(s) that assess and document educational outcomes of academic achievement for students completing college degrees and certificates.



Student performance will be graded according to the requirements outlined in each course syllabus and according to the grade definitions below.

Definition of Approved Grades



Points Per Credit


Superior performance



Quality performance



Competent performance



Deficient performance, but passing



Failure to meet minimum requirements



Pass - acceptable performance (certain courses only)

Does not affect GPA


Not passing

Does not affect GPA



Does not affect GPA



Does not affect GPA



Does not affect GPA

Repeat Courses

Courses may be repeated once with the intention of earning a better grade. Grades not affecting GPA are not recognized as repeats. The grade from the first repeat will replace the prior grade and be included in the GPA. A course may be repeated more than once and all attempts will be recorded on the official transcript. All grades earned after the first repeat will be used in calculating the GPA.

Computation of Grade Point Average for Degrees and Certificates
The grade point average is the quotient of total quality points (quality points are grade points multiplied by course credits) divided by total credits in which grades of A, B, C, D, and F are received.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

To calculate your GPA, follow these steps:

  1. Multiply the number of credit hours earned in a course by the number of points allowed for the grade received.
  2. Add the total points for all courses.
  3. Divide this total by the number of credit hours carried for the term. GPA is usually computed to two decimal places.

Pass/No Pass Option

“P” signifies a passing grade was earned (“C” grade or better). Qualifying credits count toward degrees and certificates but are not computed in the GPA. Course grading options are outlined in each course syllabus.


If a student has completed 70% of the assigned coursework at a satisfactory level of quality but an essential course requirement has not been completed (for reasons acceptable to the instructor), a report of incomplete (I) may be given and additional time granted for completion.

Students must initiate the incomplete grade contract process, except in emergency cases. The form must be filled out and signed by both the student and the instructor, but only the instructor may submit the form to Registrar’s office.

Course requirements must be completed within a maximum of one term after the end of the term in which the “I” grade was received. Upon student completion of course requirements, the instructor will assign a grade using the “Grade Change Request” form. The instructor will obtain and return this form to the Registrar for the new grade to enter. If the course requirements are not completed after one term, the grade becomes an “F” on the transcript. An “I” does not entitle a student to repeat a course without paying tuition.

A grade of W, I, or F does not count as successful completion of a class. Klamath Community College will apply the satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards at the completion of the term after grades are posted.


To maintain enrollment in a course, students must attend all first-week class meetings, unless they have made specific arrangements with the instructor. Those who don’t meet this requirement may be dropped from the class for non-attendance; however, students are ultimately held responsible for dropping their classes before the end of the first week of classes if not planning to attend. Students are also expected to attend all class meetings for the courses in which they are enrolled. Repeated absences may affect a student’s grade.


If students wish to participate in a course but do not wish to receive credit or a grade, they may register for the course under the audit option.  Certain courses, at the College’s discretion, may not be audited. Tuition and fees will be charged the same as for students registering for a grade and credit. Federal financial aid will not pay for auditing a course.

An audit carries no credit and does not meet degree requirements or contribute to full-time student status. Students wishing to change from credit to audit or audit to credit must do so by the add/drop deadline. To earn credit or a grade in an audited course, students must repeat the course as a regular registered class member or follow the challenge procedure. For more information, contact Student Services.


After the drop deadline, which is the first week of classes, students can still withdraw from a class up to the published last day to withdraw but will not receive a refund. A “W” grade will be entered in the student’s record.

Grading Systems

The College has two grading systems. Courses are designated either graded or pass/no pass. Use of a graded or pass/no pass system is determined based on the course.

Grade Discrepancies

Students must bring any grade discrepancy to the attention of the Vice President of Academic Affairs within 60 days after grades are posted. The student will complete a grade appeal form, which shall include all the particulars of the situation surrounding the grade given and a statement that substantiates the perception of the student that the grade assigned is unfair.

Veterans Services

KCC’s Veterans Representative provides general information about the various education benefits available to veterans and their eligible dependents and certifies the student’s enrollment with the Veterans Administration. To apply for veterans educational benefits, students can visit the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website. Recipients of VA benefits must maintain satisfactory academic progress toward their educational goal.

Veterans and the College must abide by VA regulations regarding notification of any change in academic program/major, change in course registration, course withdrawal, and transfer credits from other institutions. All changes must be reported to the Department of Veterans Administration by the school certifying official (SCO). Failure to notify the Veterans Services SCO may result in a loss of benefits. For information regarding benefits and/or payment problems, please call the VA education line at 1-888-442-4551.

KCC’s Veterans Representative is located in Founders Hall and can be reached at 541-880-2389.

Eligibility Requirements:

Students may establish eligibility for:

  • Full-time veterans benefits by taking 12 or more credits.
  • Three-quarter time benefits by taking 9 to 11 credits.
  • Half-time benefits by taking 6 to 8 credits.

If the student attends less than half-time, only tuition benefits are available. Basic allowance for housing is not paid for less than half-time pursuit. Students taking GED or high school equivalency courses must attend class 18 or more hours per week to be considered to be full-time students. If students are veterans or other military personnel, they should check with Student Services regarding procedures for acceptance of military credits. Students must provide documents verifying prior education and military service. Eligibility for benefits and monthly payments are processed by the Veterans Administration Educational Office in Muskogee, OK.

After certification by the College, VA students must:

  1. Maintain satisfactory academic progress. Satisfactory academic progress (SAP) is achieved by maintaining a minimum term GPA of 2.00 and a 66.67% or higher completion rate. The completion rate is based on the number of credits that for which the student is enrolled in as of the published add/drop deadline. Grades of W, I, or F do not count as successful completion of a class. KCC will apply the satisfactory academic progress standards at the completion of the term after grades are posted.
  2. Enroll only in courses that apply to their degree or certificate program. Enrollment in classes that do not apply toward degree or certificate completion cannot be certified for payment.
  3. Complete at least the minimum hours for which they were certified. Overpayments may occur if they enroll in, but do not complete, the credits for which they were certified.
  4. Inform Veterans Services immediately of changes in schedule, address, or dependents as it takes up to six weeks to process the changes.
  5. Chapter 30 recipients must certify their college attendance monthly with the VA office through the VA electronic system. Students who receive VA benefits and are enrolled at least three-quarter time (9 to 11 credits) or more may be eligible to apply for Work-Study at a VA medical center or with the Oregon State Employment Division.

Military Deployment

Any student with orders to report for active military duty may withdraw at any time during the term and receive a full refund on tuition and fees. If sufficient coursework has been accomplished and the instructor feels justified in granting credit for the coursework completed, credit may be granted and no refund will be given. In some cases an incomplete grade may be granted according to KCC policy. The student needs to initiate the process by contacting Student Services or the Veterans Representative and provide a copy of the official military orders.

The student needs to contact Student Services to obtain the appropriate form to request a withdrawal and/or grade for each class. A copy of official military orders must accompany the documentation; otherwise, no action will be taken and the student is responsible for all grades and debt to the College.

After the student returns the completed form to Student Services or the veterans representative, the registrar will consult with Financial Aid and the Business Office to determine whether a student will be fully dropped, showing no record for the term, or enter in the appropriate grade (A-F, W, I) for each class and possibly refund the student.

Graduation Requirements

Graduation and Degree Audit

Students must petition for graduation by completing a Petition to Graduate form at least two terms prior to the anticipated graduation date. Prior to filing a petition, students need to review a current degree audit (advising worksheet) and academic plan for completion of coursework with their academic advisor. This will verify whether or not the student will meet the requirements for the chosen program. They may submit a Petition to Graduate from their myKCC account. Students expecting to graduate in Spring term or Summer term should petition no later than Winter term in order to participate in commencement. Any changes in program or course substitutions must be completed with a student success advisor or an academic advisor.

Commencement ceremonies are held at the end of Spring term in June. Information regarding graduation ceremony activities can be obtained on the KCC website. Students interested in walking at Commencement need to indicate so on the Petition to Graduate form.

Note: KCC reserves the right to award a certificate or degree without a Petition to Graduate form being submitted.

Additional Degree or Certificate

Students seeking an additional Associate degree from KCC must submit a Second Degree Appeal and meet the additional 24 unique credits requirement of the degree.  For a Certificate, the requirement is 12 unique credits. Students need to submit a Petition to Graduate form as well.

Residency Requirements for a Degree or Certificate

For all Associate degrees, 24 credits toward degree completion must be earned at KCC. For all one-year or less-than-one-year Certificates, 12 credits towards the certificate must be earned at KCC.

Auto Awarding & Opt Out

KCC reserves the right to grant associate degrees, one-year certificates, and less-than-one-year certificates when a student has completed necessary credits, regardless of whether the student applied to receive the degree/certificate, or whether the student earned the credits for the degree at KCC or another state institution of higher education. The student will be notified in writing that he or she has received the degree or certificate and will be given the opportunity to request that the degree or certificate not be awarded. If the student has any outstanding debt to the College, the diploma is withheld.