Catalog 2024-25 
    Mar 28, 2025  
Catalog 2024-25

Admissions and Registration

High School Equivalency

The Klamath Center for Education and Training (K-CET) offers educational opportunities for individuals ages 16 and above who are not presently enrolled in secondary school and lack a high school diploma. These opportunities include General Equivalency Diploma (GED) preparation as well as Adult Basic Education (ABE), English as a Second Language (ESL), and Citizenship Preparation courses.

K-CET is committed to supporting its students through various resources, including:

  • Guidance to navigate further post-secondary education or workforce training pathways.
  • Access to scholarships or financial assistance for program fees, supplies, and testing.
  • Dedicated online instructors providing guidance through coursework.
  • Assistance with academic planning, setting goals, resume development, and exposure to career pathways.
  • A safe and supportive learning environment that respects the needs of adult learners.

In addition, K-CET accommodates self-paced learning and offers flexible scheduling options to cater to diverse learner needs.

High School Dual Credit

Klamath Community College, in partnership with local high schools, offers a state-approved, dual-credit program. Students can earn college credit for competencies mastered in approved high school courses and receive both high school and college credits simultaneously.

Dual credit staff works closely with high school administrators and instructors to identify lower-division academic and entry-level professional technical courses that match programs offered at KCC. Courses are articulated, and students take college-level courses taught by approved teachers in their high school. Not all articulated courses are available at every school. Courses are recorded on a KCC transcript in the same manner as regularly enrolled college students and may be used towards a degree or certificate program at KCC or may be transferred to other colleges or universities.

Courses are usually limited to juniors and seniors. However, qualified younger students may enroll earlier if approved. KCC coordinates programs with many local high schools. A list of current dual credit courses may be accessed at each high school, by calling KCC’s Director of Accelerated Learning at 541-880-2337 or by emailing

The following criteria must be met:

  1. Courses for which students seek enrollment are articulated and taught by an approved instructor. Students are encouraged to contact their local high school to check on course and instructor availability.
  2. Students meet the admissions requirements (prerequisite skills/aptitudes) for the courses and have the high school teacher’s approval to take the course.
  3. Students submit a completed KCC dual credit registration form to their instructor by established due dates.
  4. Students complete the course requirements and meet the stated outcomes as detailed in the KCC course syllabus.

Dual Credit allows students to:

  • Expand academic options.
  • Save time and money.
  • Earn college credit while in high school - at no cost to students in the state of Oregon and $25.00 per credit for students that reside outside the state of Oregon.
  • Stay at their high school for convenience.
  • Earn certificates and degrees faster.
  • Identify educational goals and interests earlier.

Admission and registration process:

  • Complete the dual credit registration form provided by the high school instructor who will turn it into KCC’s Director of Accelerated Learning for processing.
  • Contact high school counselor or course instructor.

Small Business Development Center

The KCC Small Business Development Center (SBDC) offers training and no-cost one-to-one advising to help business owners from concept to exit. The SBDC provides service to anyone in Klamath or Lake County who owns or operates a for-profit business or is planning to start one.

For more information, call 541-205-5404 or visit

Klamath IDEA

Klamath IDEA is committed to developing a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem in Klamath County to strengthen existing small businesses and innovators and support the emergence of new ones.

Klamath IDEA facilitates the linking of the varying elements of the entrepreneurial ecosystem: economic development organizations, government agencies, business resource providers, and financial and human capital. Klamath IDEA then connects growth-minded entrepreneurs to the elements and one another by:

  • Hosting IDEA Talks and other entrepreneur-focused events
  • Supporting local entrepreneurial, pitch, and demo competitions
  • Offering pitch coaching to entrepreneurs seeking capital
  • Curating access to trusted entrepreneurial resources at 
  • Maintaining a calendar of entrepreneur-relevant events at
  • Housing the Center for Entrepreneurship (a business training classroom)
  • Acting as a concierge for entrepreneurs to identify opportunities and make connections

The initiative is fiscally hosted by the KCC Foundation. For more information, call 541-887-8298.

International Students

KCC is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant students. International Admissions is open for the 2024-25 academic year. For all international questions, please see KCC’s International Student webpage. 


To be admitted to KCC credit programs, a student must meet at least one of the following entrance requirements:

  1. Graduation from a regionally accredited secondary high school having met all requirements for a full high school diploma. KCC accepts modified diplomas.
  2. A GED, certificate of equivalency, or an adult high school diploma.
  3. A non-high school graduate 18 years old or older who has achieved acceptable scores on the placement test.
  4. An individual 16 or 17 years old who is not required to attend high school and who furnishes a written release from compulsory school attendance. 

Note: some programs may have additional admissions requirements. See specific programs for details. 

New Students

New students must complete an admission application and sign up for New Student Orientation with a Student Success Advisor in Founders Hall. If you are a remote student our New Student Orientation is available via Zoom and contains the same information provided at in-person orientation. To access the New Student Orientation off campus, please contact student services by calling 541-880-2201 or visiting

Application Process

  • Complete the admissions application.
  • Provide official transcripts from all previous post-secondary education institutions.

Placement Testing

KCC has adopted a practice of using multiple measures to effectively place students. To start, students must set up a meeting with a Student Success Advisor to review their academic history, degree goals, Smarter Balance core (if applicable), transcripts from high school and/or college, and math and writing competency. Students will be advised on their next steps regarding their math and writing placement. Next steps may include taking the placement test at the Testing Center or immediately enrolling in appropriate courses.

Disability-related accommodations for placement tests are available on a case-by-case basis by contacting the disability coordinator at 541-882-3521 or

Registration for Classes

See a Student Success Advisor to register for classes and to receive a class schedule, a student ID, MyKCC information, and other academic resources. After registering:

  • Attend New Student Orientation.
  • Complete the Introduction to Canvas Learning Platform CASX731.01.
  • Pay tuition and fees by the first Friday of the term.
  • Complete the financial aid application on file or provide documentation to the Business Office of third-party payment.
  • For non-federal financial aid and third-party payees, pay tuition and fees by the first Friday of the term.

New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation (NSO) introduces students to KCC and students should attend the week before their first term at KCC. NSO is a mandatory half-day session, which includes an overview of college resources, expectations for students, tips for success, financial aid information, and registering for classes. It provides new students with an opportunity to connect with college staff and academic advisors as well as other students on campus. All credit students planning to enroll in a degree, certificate, or diploma program and who are new to KCC are required to attend an NSO session prior to the start of their first term. Students who took community education or dual-credit classes need to take NSO as well. If a student dropped all of their classes in a previous term and was registered for NSO, but did not attend, they should be encouraged to re-register for NSO.

College Survival and Success Course

The College Survival and Success (CGS 100) course assists all new college students in acquiring essential skills needed for academic success. After successfully completing this course, students will be able to: 

  1. Choose and employ Canvas LMS component(s) to complete assignments.
  2. Apply effective study skills.
  3. Analyze, use, and validate resource materials.
  4. Explain the importance of emotional, physical, and mental wellness for college success.
  5. Locate, examine, and summarize financial aid resources.
  6. Determine resources available on campus for student success.
  7. Simulate the employment process from career exploration to interview.
  8. Prepare student academic, time management, and personal budget plans.

Academic Advising

Mandatory academic advising is required each term for all students seeking a certificate or degree. It is critical that students meet with an advisor to assist in their course planning. Advisors can also answer questions regarding occupations in fields related to their program of study. KCC encourages students to seek volunteer or paid employment experiences in their field of interest to clarify career decisions. KCC provides access to occupational and career information, using both paper and electronic resources.

Continuing Students

Returning students may access student records and receive other services on the KCC website: These services include online registration (after their academic advisor has released the student to register for classes, degree audit, degree plan, and financial aid award/disbursal information). All students are required to meet with an Academic Advisor or a Student Success Advisor regarding academic planning prior to open registration.

Occupational Preparatory Instruction

The changing and increasingly technical nature of work in business and industry calls for a greater diversity of high-level skills. KCC offers a number of certificates and degree programs for direct entry into occupations requiring skills above the high school level. It is recommended that students have some basic academic skills before entering into occupational preparatory instruction. For more information, contact KCC’s Student Services or the lead faculty member in the program of interest.

Transferring to Another School

To ensure a smooth transition, students planning to transfer to another community college, four-year college, or university are encouraged to contact the institution to which they plan to transfer. Depending on the student’s program, the student transferring to a four-year college or university may be able to transfer an entire degree.

Whether transferring to a community college or four-year university, the student may transfer at any point while enrolled at KCC. Some career and technical programs offered by KCC include courses which may be transferred. Consult the institution you intend to transfer to for specific information.

Transferring to KCC

Students transferring to KCC must contact Student Services to schedule a meeting with a Student Success Advisor. Those who are seeking a degree or certificate program must submit official transcripts in advance from all post-secondary institutions attended previously for timely articulation. Official transcripts need to be sent directly from previous institutions to KCC. Non-degree seeking students are not required submit official transcripts; however, they may provide unofficial copies to a Student Success Advisor for proper determination of the prerequisites. A Placement test can only be waived upon evaluation of the transcripts if both the college-level writing and mathematics course series are completed. For information on how to send official transcripts to KCC, please refer to the Registrar page on the KCC website.

Transfer Credit Acceptance Policy

Students interested in transferring credits to KCC from another institution must be aware of the following policies:

  • ​Credits are accepted only from regionally accredited colleges and universities.
  • An official transcript listing the credits must be received by the Registrar’s office at KCC. Once the transcript is received, it will not be released to a non-contracted third party, including other institutions. For the purpose of proper advisement, transcripts should be sent to KCC prior to enrollment.
  • Student must be admitted as an undergraduate student and submit a Transcript Evaluation Request form. Transfer credit or credit for prior learning does not count for residency purposes.
  • Transfer credits do not count for residency purposes. KCC’s residency requirements are 24 credits for Associate, and 12 credits for one-year or less-than-one-year certificates.
  • A grade of “C” or higher is accepted in transfer work. Pass (P) and Satisfactory (S) grades are also transferable.
  • Undergraduate and prerequisite coursework will be evaluated for transfer.
  • Career Technical (CTE) coursework older than five (5) years may transfer at program lead approval.
  • Only credits which carry transfer credit to other state colleges and universities in Oregon will be accepted for the AA-OT degree.
  • General education courses earned as part of an associate’s or higher degree are accepted for transfer as long as they are not part of the technical core requirements of the new degree.
  • When credit is denied, the student may appeal for reconsideration by submitting a letter of explanation to the Registrar. If there is a question on course content, the course will be reviewed by the dean and/or faculty in that subject area.
  • Credit for prior learning is assessed on a case-by-case and department-by-department basis and is not awarded until student completes 12 KCC credits. Credit for prior learning does not count for residency purposes.
  • Credit for military training is granted on the basis of recommendations by the American Council on Education (ACE) as contained in the “Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services.” KCC accepts credits from the military DANTES and USAFI programs, as recommended by ACE. Military credits are those listed on a military transcript sent to KCC.
  • Only the official transcript and course evaluations performed by the KCC Registrar’s office are final. Any preliminary reviews by campus personnel are unofficial and not binding, and subject to change.
  • Transfer credits based on a different unit of credit or academic calendar system than the one prescribed by KCC are subject to conversion before being transferred.
  • Transfer credit must be deemed appropriately applicable for a student’s educational goals as well as the institution’s programs.

Klamath Center for Education and Training (K-CET)

The K-CET program provides a range of educational opportunities for students aiming to earn their General Equivalency Diploma (GED) certificate, enhance English language proficiency, or pursue U.S. citizenship. Conveniently located in the Work Skills Technology Center (Building 8), K-CET serves as an ideal starting point for students embarking on their educational journey, offering robust support to pave the way towards post-secondary education, workforce training, and improved employment prospects.

K-CET provides an array of resources to support students, including:

  • Dedicated online instructors to provide guidance through virtual coursework.
  • Hybrid class delivery combining Zoom sessions and face-to-face instruction.
  • A safe and flexible learning environment within a college setting, fostering respect and inclusivity.
  • Access to scholarships or financial assistance to alleviate program costs.
  • Comprehensive academic and goal planning, along with resume building services.
  • Exposure to diverse career pathways and guidance for continued education or workforce training options.

GED/ABE Classes:

GED/ABE Classes: K-CET GED classes cater to individuals ages 16 and above without a high school diploma. Experienced instructors equip students with the necessary skills to pass GED tests, available in both English and Spanish. Additionally, GED students benefit from self-paced instruction covering language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, keyboarding, and workplace skills. Those with a high school diploma seeking to enhance their academic proficiencies may enroll as Adult Basic Education (ABE) students if space is available.

*Students ages 16 and 17 must obtain a release from compulsory attendance from their school district prior to enrollment.

ESL and Citizenship Preparation Classes:

  • ESL Classes: English as a Second Language (ESL) courses focus on workforce readiness by improving listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Morning and evening classes are offered each term.
  • Citizenship Preparation Classes: Citizenship Prep courses are offered annually during the winter term. This course assists students in preparing for the U.S. citizenship application process.

K-CET Academic Year 2024-2025 

Summer Term
Cohort A: July 1, 2024
Cohort B: July 31, 2024

Winter Term
Cohort A: January 6, 2025
Cohort B: February 10, 2025

Fall Term
Cohort A: September 30, 2024
Cohort B: November 4, 2024

Spring Term
Cohort A: March 31, 2025
Cohort B: May 5, 2025

Morning, evening, and online classes are available each term.  








For more information, call K-CET at 541-880-2366.

Register online at

Or go to

  • Workforce & Community Education
  • GED, English Skills & Citizenship Prep
  • Register Now