Student Handbook 2023-24 
    Jul 27, 2024  
Student Handbook 2023-24

Policies and Procedures





Academic Integrity

Students are subject to disciplinary action if they intentionally or unintentionally participate in any of the following activities:

  • Representing someone else’s work or ideas, including those copied from online searches, as their own (plagiarism).
  • Using inappropriate or prohibited aids for examinations or graded assignments, including but not limited to others’ answers, notes, phone or other electronic devices, and test files (cheating).
  • Submitting work from another class without written instructor permission from both classes.
  • Note that instructors may submit a selection of papers each term to review potential student plagiarism. The penalty for first offense may include failure of the assignment. A second offense may result in a conduct hearing with possible outcomes of course failure, academic dismissal, or suspension and other sanctions.
  • Using generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools may be considered plagiarism under some circumstances, and plagiarism policies may apply to the use of AI.


While the College is generally open admission, some programs of study are restricted to a limited number of applicants. The College has also established procedures for the admission of minors (persons under age 18 on the first day of classes for a given term). Contact Student Services for more information.

Students who have been inactive with Klamath Community College for five terms will need to be readmitted to the College before enrolling in courses.

Adding/Dropping Classes (see also Withdrawing)

Students should add and drop classes online when possible. New students register in person or online virtually with a Student Services Advisor. For in person registration, submit an add/drop form to Student Services in Founders Hall by the published deadline. Adding a class after the first-class meeting requires instructor approval, and students may not add after the first week of a term. Adding or dropping classes may affect financial aid or veteran benefits, so students should consult with Financial Aid or Veterans Services. After the drop deadline, students are financially and academically responsible for all classes they are enrolled in. Students can withdraw from classes by the withdrawal deadline without a refund. See “Withdrawals” below.

Web registration is only available to students who have previously enrolled in a class at KCC. Before registering online, students are required to meet with an advisor. For online registration, KCC must have the student’s correct full name, Social Security number, and date of birth in the computer system. Students with holds cannot register online until the hold is cleared. See Student Services in Founders Hall for information about registration or academic holds.

If a student does not have internet access, computers are available in the Learning Resource Center in Founders Hall and study areas in Building 6 and Work Skills Technology Center.

Alert: If a student does not attend or stops attending a course, he/she is not automatically dropped from the course. Students must file the official forms in Student Services. Though instructors may notify Student Services to drop students who are absent, or who have never attended or participated in a class, students are still responsible for making sure classes are officially dropped from their records.


Students must officially withdraw from classes in Student Services by the published deadline, since not attending without officially dropping classes will result in failing grades or a grade that represents what coursework was done. Withdrawals (W grades) show on official transcripts and are preferable to failing grades. See also “Adding/Dropping Classes” above.

Students who withdraw should meet with Student Services to be sure the withdrawal is recorded, to check for outstanding charges and fees, and to find out if withdrawing requires repayment of any
financial aid.

Alert: Though instructors notify Student Services to drop students who are no-shows during the first week of a term, it is each student’s responsibility to make sure the drop is officially finalized to avoid being billed for a class and receiving a failing grade.


Animals are not permitted on college premises, with the following exceptions that require advance approval:

  • Educational purposes - demonstrations permitted with an instructor, KCSO Substation officer, and Facilities approval.
  • Service animals - as defined by the ADA, a dog that has been trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. The rule states that other animals, whether wild or domestic, do not qualify as service animals. Dogs that are not trained to perform tasks that mitigate the effects of a disability, including dogs that are used purely for emotional support, are not service animals. The College reserves the right to deny service animals that do not meet training, documentation, behavior, health, or safety requirements.
  • Service animals must be registered with Student Services in Founders Hall and must be appropriately identified as such while on campus, by wearing some type of commonly recognized identification symbol.
  • Emotional support animals historically have not been protected by laws for service animals, and in general will not be approved to be on campus. The College will determine, on a case-by-case basis, and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, whether individual requests for emotional support or therapy animals are a necessary and reasonable accommodation. To start the process to have an animal considered, please contact the student support specialist at or 541-880-2283 to set up an appointment for an assessment.
  • Other animals may not be on college premises without prior approval from the Klamath County Sheriff’s Substation officer and Facilities, due to health and safety concerns for people and the animal.
  • For more information and specific details regarding animals on campus, please refer to the KCC website.


Federal financial aid, the Veterans Administration, and other financial providers require Klamath Community College to monitor and report attendance. Students are responsible for attending all classes and laboratories, to communicate with instructors, and if absent, to acquire the materials and information that were missed.

Only students who have officially registered may attend classes, though students on waitlists may attend the wait-listed class during the first week of the term. Starting the second week of the term, the student’s name must appear as enrolled on the class roster or the student cannot attend.

Children and Guests

Children are defined as persons under the age of 18 who are not enrolled in a class. Guests are adults not enrolled in a class. Klamath Community College is an adult learning environment designed for students 18 or older. Individuals under 18 must follow special admissions procedures to become students.

  • Children must be under direct supervision and control of a parent or guardian.
  • At no time may children move around college premises independently.
  • Children must not cause disruption.
  • If a child is found unattended, college staff will take appropriate action, which may include notifying law enforcement.
  • Children are not allowed in labs or instructional areas where hazardous materials or dangerous equipment are present.
  • Children are restricted from the Learning Resource Center, computer labs, maintenance shops, construction areas, and any hazardous areas.
  • Children are not allowed in any class meetings.
  • Children with infectious illnesses may not be on college premises.
  • Guests are not permitted in classes except with instructor permission.
  • KCC retains the right to ask any person to leave college premises at any time.
  • Concerns regarding the presence of children or guests on campus are taken to the instructor, campus security, the vice president of Academic Affairs, or the vice president of Student Affairs.

College Premises Defined

The College’s premises are any building, room, outdoor space, or vehicle that is owned, rented, leased, or used by the College. Students must follow college policies, procedures, and code of conduct when on college premises, including at off-campus events and activities that are sponsored or controlled by the College.

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

Klamath Community College offers credit for prior learning (CPL) in which credit is granted for formalized learning experiences or job skills training. Types of credit for prior learning include credit by exam (CLEP, DANTES, etc.), industry certification, challenge exam, military credit (ACE Credit Recommendation Service), portfolios, and professional licensure.

A student may seek substitutions or waivers in associate degrees or certificate programs on the basis of prior academic experience or challenge exams. Standards to receive prior learning credit include:

  • You must have earned 12 credits at KCC before non-traditional credit can be awarded.
  • Up to 25% of a degree’s credits can come from non-traditional credit, except for portfolio CPL.
  • Non-traditional credit may not be used to establish KCC’s residency requirement.
  • Only those subject areas taught by KCC will be considered.
  • Courses taken as community education courses or as part of an industry-recognized certification process may require a prior learning fee.

Some career-technical education programs and lower-division college academic departments may offer a course challenge for specific courses. Contact the program or discipline lead for more information. The course challenge information can be found in the College’s academic catalog.

Credit by certification will be determined by department and articulations housed in the Registrar’s Office. 

Students initiate the approval process by meeting with their academic advisor or a student success representative. The approval form must be signed by the program or discipline lead, dean, and vice
president of Academic Affairs and returned to the Registrar’s Office. The Registrar’s Office will transcribe credit for prior learning and may not duplicate other credit awarded to the student in fulfillment of degree requirements. 


Hazing is not permitted at Klamath Community College. No individual, student organization, club, team, or any other College-affiliated student group is permitted to plan, engage in, or condone hazing, on or off the Klamath Community College campus.

KCC encourages all members of the College community who believe they have witnessed, experienced, or are aware of conduct that violates this policy to report the violation to the student conduct officer. Should the College become aware of hazing by a student organization or any of its members, the College may immediately suspend the organization or group pending an investigation into the allegations. Allegations of hazing are resolved in accordance with the student conduct process. Students and/or student organizations found responsible for violating this policy are subject to the full range of disciplinary sanctions.

Information Systems and Technology Policy


Official college communications rely on students using their Klamath Community College student email address.

KCC Obligations

  • Designate staff to coordinate and maintain electronic communications systems.
  • Provide training in appropriate use of the system, providing copies of the college network policy and procedures.
  • Cooperate with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation relating to misuse of the college’s system.
  • Use only properly licensed software, audio or video media, or other resources purchased by the College or approved for use by the College.
  • Comply with the requirements of law regarding the use, reproduction and distribution of copyrighted works with applicable provisions of use or license agreements.
  • Retain ownership and control of its computers, hardware, software, and data. Maintain system integrity by monitoring network etiquette and ensuring that those authorized to use the College’s systems are in compliance with Board of Education policy, procedures, and law.

Student Information System Access

Access is authorized for:

  • KCC employees
  • Students when under the supervision of staff
  • Other college-authorized agents

Use Prohibitions, Guidelines, and Etiquette

Users may use the College’s system for business related to instructional needs or to conduct research related to education consistent with the College’s mission and goals. All use must be consistent with the general use prohibitions, guidelines, and etiquette.

Files and other information, including email, generated or stored on college servers are not private and may be subject to monitoring. College administrators may review user files and communications. Email sent or received by a public official or employee, including student employees, in connection with public business may be a public record and subject to state archivist rules for retention and destruction.

The following actions or their attempt are prohibited:
  • using the College’s system for commercial or personal gain;
  • using, reproducing or distributing material in violation of copyright law or applicable provisions of use or license agreements;
  • degrading, disrupting, or vandalizing college equipment, software, materials or data, or those of any other user of the College’s system or any of the agencies or other networks connected to the College’s system.
This prohibition includes
  • attempts to gain unauthorized access to restricted information, networks, and other users’ accounts or files;
  • disabling, defeating, or circumventing college security;
  • sharing user identifications or passwords for any college computer or device;
  • intentionally accessing or downloading any text file or picture or engaging in any communication of materials which:
    • are perceived as libelous, obscene, indecent, vulgar, profane, or lewd;
    • advertise any product or service not permitted to minors by law;
    • constitute insulting or fighting words, the very expression of which injures or harasses others;
    • present clear likelihood that, either because of content or manner of distribution, will cause disruption of the orderly operations of the College, or may incite commission of unlawful acts or violation of Board of Education policies or regulations;
  • gaining access to any service via the college’s system that has a cost involved or attempts to incur unauthorized costs. The user accessing such services will be responsible for costs;
  • posting or publishing personal information such as photographs, age, home address or phone numbers unless authorized by the person in question;
  • downloading or installing software on college computers without receiving approval through appropriate channels;
  • knowingly accessing or transmitting confidential records of the College, students, or vendors without authority; and
  • engaging in activity restricted by local, state, federal, or international laws, including noncompliance with FERPA. The College will cooperate with law enforcement investigations.

Users will:

  • adhere to standards for communicating online just as in classrooms;
  • respect others’ time and cyberspace;
  • avoid downloading excessively large files;
  • remain on the system long enough to get information then exit; and
  • take pride in communications. Check spelling and grammar. Avoid all capital letters (shouting) and emotional emails.

Password & Access

User identifications and passwords help maintain individual accountability for technology usage. These are intended to be confidential. College policy prohibits the sharing of user identifications or passwords
for use of any college computer or other device.

When choosing a password, it is imperative that the password be unique and difficult to guess. All passwords must be complex and should not be common words or names that could be easy to guess or
easy for computer programs to crack. Below is the Klamath Community College password requirements.

The College realizes that remembering passwords can be challenging. However, the security that is compromised by lax passwords could be detrimental to the College or yourself.

KCC Password Requirements

  • Passwords must contain at least eight characters from three of the following categories:
  • Uppercase characters
  • Lowercase characters
  • Base 10 digits (0 - 9)
  • Non-alphanumeric characters like: ~! @#$%^&*_- =`|\(){}[]:;”’<>,.?/

Violations and Consequences

  • Students who violate prohibitions are subject to discipline up to and including revocation of system access and expulsion.
  • Violations of law will be reported to law enforcement officials.
  • Disciplinary action may be appealed in accordance with established college procedures (see “Student Conduct Process”)

Wireless and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)


It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that payment is made by the first Friday of term. Unpaid balances are subject to late fees and/or an administrative drop from classes. For further information about statement balances, payments, or questions related to your student account, please refer to the student handbook, contact the cashier, or log into MyKCC. To arrange a payment plan, please contact the cashier.

Photography, Video, and Digital Imaging

While Klamath Community College reserves the right to take candid photographs and video at public and College-sponsored events on and off College premises, and to use resulting images and video for internal and external distribution without seeking consent from each individual depicted, if an individual advises the photographer that he or she is declining to be photographed, the photographer will comply with that request.

KCC employees and agents will give notice of photo shoots in access-limited venues, including classrooms, laboratories, and offices. Photographers will comply with requests not to be photographed.
In posed or formal photo sessions, photographers will obtain verbal permission from photographed individuals.


Students who stop out of college are asked by Student Services to set a return date for readmission. Students who were suspended from Klamath Community College and wish to return must file an appeal for readmission.


For a refund, students must drop a course during the first week of the term. Classes of less than 10 weeks and some programs and courses have unique refund deadlines. Students with documented circumstances beyond their control may appeal for an exception. 

Refund/Repayment of Financial Aid

See “Financial Aid.”

Repeating a Course

A student may receive financial aid for a repeated class under these conditions:

  • Until student receives a passing grade
  • Once for a previously passed class
  • However, all attempts will be counted as attempted credits toward the program credit limit.

Before repeating, students should consult with their advisor and if applicable Financial Aid and Veterans Services to avoid problems.
Note: Some grades do not affect the GPA and are therefore not recognized as repeats (e.g., “NP,” “P,” “I” or “AU”). Repeating a course does not impact GPA, but “W,” “NP” and I all calculate as a repeat.

If a course is repeated more than once, only the first repeat will replace the prior grade and be included in the GPA. However, any subsequent repeats will be recorded on the official transcript and all grades earned after the first repeat will affect the GPA.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

All credit students must make satisfactory academic progress (SAP) toward their educational goals. Failure to do so will result in academic warning, probation, or suspension, and statuses that may hinder a student’s ability to receive financial aid. More information about SAP please refer to the Financial Aid section of the handbook.

Social Security Number (SSN)

Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 589-004-0400 authorizes Klamath Community College to ask students for their Social Security number. The SSN is used for reporting, research, record keeping, and tax documents required by the Internal Revenue Service. Students may opt out of providing the SSN, but must first sign an agreement of understanding of the consequences of not providing the SSN. Moreover, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires KCC to request a student’s SSN, in writing, on two more occasions, so KCC will send two follow-up letters requesting the student provide their SSN pursuant to IRS requirements.

  • The SSN is used by the Oregon Community College Unified Reporting System (OCCURS) in support of research by Oregon community colleges, the Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development (CCWD), and the Oregon Community College Association.
  • OCCURS gathers information about students and programs for state and federal reporting.
  • It helps colleges plan, research, and develop programs for student success in educational programs and the workplace. Either OCCURS or the College may provide student SSNs or match SSNs to records from the following:
    • State and private universities, colleges, and vocational schools, to learn how many students continue education and evaluate the use of community college courses for further education.
    • The Oregon Employment Department, which gathers information (including employment and earnings) to help state and local agencies plan education and training services for job placement.
    • The Oregon Department of Education, for reports to local, state, and federal government to learn about education, training, and job market trends for planning, research, and program improvement.
    • The Oregon Department of Revenue and collection agencies, only for purposes of processing debts, and only if the College extended credit to a student.
    • The American College Testing Service for students who took the COMPASS placement test for educational research purposes.
    • The Internal Revenue Service for tax purposes.
    • National Student Clearinghouse and other contracted agencies providing services to the College.

Student Publications

Klamath Community College is the legal publisher of recognized student publications. Publications at KCC will be supported through the following staffing structure:

  1. Student contributors to publications: afforded freedom of the press and speech, as guaranteed in the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. These rights will not be infringed upon by the College or any of its agencies, faculty, staff, or administrators. Students contributing to KCC publications shall follow the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics.
  2. Student journalists can report on and editorialize about controversial issues that have the potential to affect the College, the community, the state, the nation, and the world. Also, under the “fair comment” rule, a student is free to express an opinion on any matter of public interest, including criticism of college policy and the performance of its faculty, staff, and administrators, as long as that criticism is not libelous.
  3. Student editors and managers: permitted to develop editorial policies and determine the coverage and content of the publications. Student editors and managers are expected to practice responsible journalism, including the avoidance of libel, indecency, undocumented allegations, personal attacks, harassment and innuendo as well as the avoidance of material that intentionally interferes with or disrupts the educational process. College-recognized student publications shall explicitly state on the editorial page that opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the College or the student body.
  4. College staff advisors to student publications: have the right to review and approve copy to protect the College from legal actions relating to obscenity, criminal or civil libel, or copyright infringement. In the event that a student author or editor are in opposition to an advisor’s concerns about an article or piece, the editorial review board shall review the issue and make a determination prior to publication.
  5. The selection of student publication staff/faculty advisors must be approved jointly by the vice president of Student Affairs and the vice president of Academic Affairs.
  6. Editorial review board (ERB): has the responsibility to review any disagreements between student authors/editors and advisors regarding items for publication, as well as any formal complaints that are submitted as a result of material that is published by a KCC student publication. The ERB will review and deliberate on evidence provided, and make a determination of responsibility in each case. Following that determination, the ERB will confer with the director of student conduct to determine any appropriate disciplinary sanctions against the individual student contributor, student editors/managers, and/or the student publication as a whole. Appeals of disciplinary sanctions will be reviewed by the vice president of Student Affairs and the executive director of human resources and legal services.

The membership of the Editorial Review Board will consist of:

  • Two faculty members from writing/rhetoric (appointed by the dean of instruction)*;
  • at least one staff member from the Communication Team;
  • at least one at-large staff member, and
  • the student president of the Associated Students of Klamath Community College.

Should a student publication wish to augment their income through advertising revenue, the initial approval to do so must be obtained through a formal request to the ERB. Subsequent to that approval,
each source of ad revenue (sponsors/advertisers) must be explicitly approved by the ERB prior to being included in a student publication.

It should be understood that the above regulations and processes must be followed regardless of the format of the student publication (printed or online). The KCC Student Publications Guidelines and the
KCC Social Media Guidelines are complementary. Should a situation occur in which the KCC student publications guidelines and the KCC social media guidelines are in opposition to one another, the social
media guidelines take precedent.
* To be assigned as appropriate, subject to faculty contract allowances.


Weapons are prohibited other than as authorized by law enforcement, use for demonstration with prior sheriff’s office approval, or as provided by law.